Are Your Eating Habits Sabotaging Your Oral Health?

dental enamel erosion treatment Plano

Most Plano residents know that frequently eating foods high in sugar can cause cavities. Therefore, it’s important to limit candy, soda, cookies, etc. Also, remember that frequency is as dangerous as the amount of sugar. Research has found that a higher frequency in sugar consumption may lead to demineralization more than the amount of sugar…

Signs Of Oral Cancer: What Not To Ignore

oral cancer signs Plano

Today’s message focuses on a very serious topic—oral (oropharyngeal) cancers. The medical community designates oral cancers as a subset of head and neck cancers. Oral cancers can occur in the following locations: The tongue The roof of the mouth and under the tongue The inside of the cheeks The oropharynx (the part behind the soft…

Oral Health During Pregnancy

Plano dental exam during pregnancy

Today’s post is for women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Carrying a precious infant can not only consume your time but your attention as well. However, don’t forget your needs and your strength during these critical months. It’s vital to understand that the multitude of changes your body experiences during pregnancy also…