Invisalign Clear Braces

If you’ve ever wanted straighter teeth, but didn’t want to go through the hassle of having traditional braces then Invisalign® clear braces may be the way for you. Invisalign® treatment involves clear braces made of durable plastic that are used to gently straighten your teeth over a period of time.


Compared to traditional braces, there are many benefits to Invisalign® treatment. There is no need for metal brackets or wires. Since there are no metal brackets or wires, it is easier to care for your teeth and keep your smile healthy. The healthier your teeth are, the healthier you’ll be.

How Does Invisalign Work to Straighten Teeth?

Using sophisticated computer technology, our dentist scans the patient’s entire mouth in order to produce a three-dimensional image. This scan aids in the creation of a step-by-step treatment plan that slowly advances teeth into the correct position. The scan also helps in the generation of clear aligners that are tailored exactly to your mouth.


Patients are advised to keep their Invisalign® aligners in for a minimum of 20 hours a day in order to achieve optimal results. Each set of trays is typically worn for two weeks before moving on to the next set in the series. Duration of treatment depending on the patient’s individual needs, taking anywhere from four to eighteen months before the desired results are achieved.

Benefits of Invisalign® Treatment Over Traditional Braces

Our patients love Invisalign® for a number of reasons:


  • Convenient – Invisalign® trays are removable, so you can take them out when you need to. This is a great advantage Invisalign® treatment has over more traditional braces; because they are removable, you can take the trays out when you need to eat or drink. Also, it is much easier to maintain a higher standard of dental care – you can brush and floss just like you normally do.
  • Inconspicuous – Traditional braces are immediately noticeable, and those of us who are a little more self-conscious have always found this to be a problem. This, however, is not an issue for those who choose to use Invisalign® clear braces because these comfortable aligners are less noticeable than traditional braces, meaning that many will probably not even know you are straightening your teeth!


Here at The Plano Dentist near Frisco and Allen, TX, we are proud to provide Invisalign® treatment as an option for those who want to have a straighter, more beautiful smile. We are a certified Invisalign® provider, and with the help of our team, we hope to make your orthodontic treatment a pleasant experience.

Find Out if Invisalign® is Right for You – Call The Plano Dentist Today!

Whether you are a teen or an adult, Invisalign® orthodontics can give you beautiful, straight teethContact us today for more information if you are in Plano, Frisco, or Allen, TX!

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