Porcelain Dental Veneers For Teeth In Plano
Have you ever felt like your smile is not exactly what you want it to be? Do you have one or more teeth that are crooked, chipped, strangely shaped, or discolored? If your answer is yes to either of these questions, then we just may have a wonderful solution to getting your smile how you want it to be.
With modern dental veneer technology, we can help reshape the appearance of your teeth in a most spectacular way. Using dental veneers, our skilled and caring team can help fix those cracks, chips, and gaps. Veneers for teeth can even be used to brighten your smile without the need for whitening.
What are Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain dental veneers are thin, custom-made pieces of tooth-like material that can be used to change the appearance of your teeth.
Each veneer is custom-crafted and made professionally to fit the appearance of your mouth, so with your help, we will make a mold and impression of your teeth and discuss with you how many veneers will be needed to reach the goal you have for your smile.
Our team will carefully prepare your teeth for your new veneers, and in as few as two visits, you can have a great new smile!
If you have any of the following issues, porcelain veneers can benefit you:
- Chips | Unfortunately chipped teeth are an issue that many of us face, whether they are caused from normal wear and tear or other accidents. Veneers are a wonderful way to restore chipped teeth.
- Cracks | Cracks in teeth can become deep, which consequently, makes them highly noticeable. Porcelain veneers can be used to mask these unsightly blemishes.
- Gaps | Veneers can be used to cover gaps, which can make it so orthodontia is unnecessary.
- Misalignment | Mild misalignment of teeth can be treated with veneers, helping create a beautiful smile without the need for braces.
- Worn Tooth Enamel | Natural wear and tear can result in the wearing down of enamel. Worn enamel is unsightly, but with a porcelain veneer, we can restore the luster of your teeth.
- Unhappy With Your Cosmetic Flaws | The best dental veneer patients are those whose teeth are affected by cosmetic flaws rather than oral health issues.
Frequently Asked Questions About Porcelain Veneers
Here are answers to the some of the most commonly asked questions we receive regarding dental veneers:
Schedule a Dental Veneers Consultation in Plano!
Interested in learning more about dental veneers and how they can give you a beautiful, white smile? Would you like to learn about cosmetic dentistry alternatives like cosmetic bonding? Give us a call today if you are in Frisco, Plano, or Allen, TX!