Fun Floss Facts

Plano after hours dental

You may think the most critical thing about flossing is to do it every day, and at The Plano Dentist we completely agree. But trying out a few different types of floss may help you do a better job. The reason that flossing is so important is that it removes plaque and food debris from…

When It’s Better Not To Brush

enamel erosion Dallas

This message from The Plano Dentist has a message that may surprise you: sometimes, it’s better for your dental health not to brush your teeth. Though thin and partially translucent, tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body. Its job is to protect your teeth from constant use and the continual assault of chemicals…

How Are Dental Implants Priced?

Fort Worth tooth implants cost

Looking into how much dental implants cost and getting a straightforward answer can be frustrating. But there is a reason for that, which The Plano Dentist will explain in this blog post. It can be confusing to research the cost of getting a dental implant and finding nothing solid on the web. But there’s a…