Into The Thick Of It, The Skinny On Toothpaste

Fort Worth cosmetic dental and tooth implants

Welcome to our blog! Today’s post answers some common questions about toothpaste. Why does toothpaste seem gritty? The abrasive aspect of toothpaste is to aid in removing dental plaque and food from the surface of the teeth. Vigorous brushing becomes unnecessary for dental patients when the abrasives in the toothpaste can snag the mouth’s lingering…

Preventing Facial Injuries

Dallas Sports Dentistry

Facial injuries occur all too often in the Dallas area. Allen Little Leaguers get hit by inside pitches, Fort Worth construction workers suffer falls and other accidents at the worksite, and Texas motorists sustain injuries in detrimental collisions every single day. Accidents at home can also result in serious injury to the face. Serious facial…

Smile Necessities And Possibilities

fast braces Plano

With cosmetic dentistry, The Plano Dentist creates sensational smiles for patients. A smile redesign doesn’t just make your smile more attractive. It also builds self-confidence. You will be more comfortable in your professional and personal interactions. Let’s Talk Not happy with your smile? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Mejia. We’ll discuss what is needed, what is…