Zoom!® Whitening with The Plano Dentist

A whiter smile is one just one dentist visit away! ZOOM!® Smile Whitening brightens and whitens your teeth in just 45 minutes. Once you have gone through the Zoom!® treatment we will send you home with an at-home whitening bleaching kit with custom made trays. Using the take home trays will allow you to maintain your desired level of whitening over several months.

While Zoom!® Smile Whitening is a great way to enhance the appearance of your smile, it’s not always for everyone. Those with deep, dark stains that remain unaffected by whitening treatments and patients with regular tooth sensitivity may not be good candidates. Find out more about Zoom!® Smile Whitening at our web site; and when you are ready to have a whiter, brighter smile contact Dr. Potter for an evaluation!

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