Your oral health and overall health

Don’t put off your next visit to The Plano Dentist any longer! Over the years, oral health issues have been increasingly linked to other health concerns, such as heart disease. Cardiovascular disease remains American’s number one killer, claiming more lives than any other cause of death, according to the American Heart Association. Believe it or not, an estimated 80 percent of American adults currently have some form of gum disease. Studies have shown a correlation between gum disease and heart disease, underscoring the importance of good oral health care, both at home and by visiting the dentist.

Studies are also beginning to suggest that patients, especially those with periodontal disease, are believed to have an elevated risk of heart attack and stroke. Since most patients are not regularly visiting a heart specialist, their regular visits to The Plano Dentist can help detect early warning signs of heart issues, prevent gum disease or at least catch it in its early stages.

Additionally, if it’s been more than six months since your last visit to our office, please give us a call!

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