What If My Dental Crown Cracks, Comes Loose, or Comes Off?

what to do if dental crown comes off Plano

What do you do if your dental crown moves or comes off completely?

It may have broken or come off while brushing, flossing, or even simply eating.

If this has happened to you, don’t stress! Here is what to do if your crown comes off.

There are three steps:

1. First things first, find your crown if it has come off completely.

If you think you may have unwittingly swallowed it, it’s not the end of the world. This is fairly common. You will need to have a new one made. Whereas the original may be reattached if you find it in your mouth. As long as it’s not damaged.

2. The second thing you need to do is call your dentist.

If you’re still going to the same dental practice that initially put it in, they might put it back free of charge. Especially if you got the crown recently.

If you have moved, or don’t currently have a dentist, give us a call. We’ll reattach it for a reasonable price tag.

Remember these two important things:

  • Even if we didn’t provide the crown procedure, we can re-attach it for you.
  • If the crown is broken, we can construct a replacement crown in one visit.

3. What if your crown comes off after business hours or on the weekend?

You can glue it back on while waiting for an appointment. This will shield the exposed tooth. Remember, the tooth is not as strong as an uncrowned tooth.

To reattach it, we recommend using denture adhesive, which you can find at a drugstore.

Follow the directions on the adhesive. To be certain it sets, softly bite down on the crown while the adhesive is still wet. Be extra wary while waiting for your appointment. Eat soft foods so you don’t damage the tooth.


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3115 W Parker Rd Ste C538
Plano, Texas


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