
At The Plano Dentist, we always expect the best, but prepare for the unexpected. We know how crucial it is to protect the safety of our children. As a result we are providing ToothPrint kits FREE to local children.

ToothPrints was developed by a pediatric dentist who began using dental bite impressions to protect his own children. The ToothPrint kit consists of a wafer that records the size and shape of the child’s bite characteristics, the child’s DNA captured in saliva, your child’s information (name, nickname, hair color, eye color, etc), and your child’s picture.

The process is very simple. Your dentist simply softens the wafer in warm water, the child bites down on the wafer and his/her dental imprint, along with his/her DNA, is captured on the wafer. The wafer is placed in a sealed plastic bag and parents are then instructed to store the bag in the freezer to protect the DNA sample.

Like fingerprints, dental imprints are personal and unique to every child, so ToothPrints can provide an exact means of identification. Schools and law enforcement agencies use and recommend this product for children of all ages.

Call or stop in our office to get your kit. The safety and protection of our children is our #1 priority! Your FREE ToothPrint Kit will help keep your child safe.

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