Know The Facts About Oral Piercings

health risks of oral piercings Plano

Body piercings are a common form of self-expression seen around Dallas. Today’s post is for those who currently have an oral piercing or are considering one. Since this is a dental blog, I am sure you expect us to raise all sorts of alarms warning of the dangers of piercings. You are right. Unfortunately, these…

Preventing Facial Injuries

Dallas Sports Dentistry

Facial injuries occur all too often in the Dallas area. Allen Little Leaguers get hit by inside pitches, Fort Worth construction workers suffer falls and other accidents at the worksite, and Texas motorists sustain injuries in detrimental collisions every single day. Accidents at home can also result in serious injury to the face. Serious facial…

Flossing For Health And Happiness

cost of dental crowns Dallas

Most Plano men and women know that flossing is an important part of oral health. The value of this simple yet vital exercise in oral hygiene has been shown time and time again. Flossing offers a chance to remove bits and pieces that a toothbrush will undoubtedly miss. Being afraid of the ‘cavity bugs,’ ‘mouth…

9 Tips For Preventing Gum Disease

prevent gum disease Plano

Unfortunately, periodontitis (advanced gum disease) is very common. But completely preventable. Here’s some simple ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy: If you keep your teeth and gums healthy, you will only need to visit the dentist for cleanings and checkups. Not major treatment. 1. Brush properly Brush for two to three minutes, at…

Super Smiles Have Strong Enamel

Plano dental financing

Did you know that enamel is the hardest substance in the body? It’s true! This substance, found on the outer surface of your teeth, truly should last a lifetime. But just because it’s super heavy-duty doesn’t mean you don’t have to work to take care of it. Here are some helpful tips for keeping enamel…