Will a Dental Implant Cause a Problem With Airport Security?

tooth implants Dallas

Airport security checks might be necessary, but they can be a major annoyance. Emptying your pockets. Pulling your laptop out of your carry-on. Taking your shoes off. Some individuals considering whether to get a dental implant may wonder if it will affect airport security. Let’s answer the questions frequently asked about tooth implants and airport…

You Be The Judge

smile makeover cost Plano

If you are researching smile makeovers, you have probably heard claims that cosmetic dentistry can provide you with a ‘perfect smile’ or a ‘celebrity smile.’ Are these superlatives simply exaggerations? We invite you to judge for yourself. Call 469-998-0235 to schedule a no-pressure smile makeover consultation with Dr. Mejia of The Plano Dentist. You can…