Osteoporosis And Oral Health

The Plano DentistIf you are a woman, you have probably heard about the high rate of osteoporosis in the country, and the state of Texas is no exception.

Did you know that many studies have suggested a connection between osteoporosis and oral health? Osteoporosis can often progress without any outward symptoms. However, there may be clues in a person’s mouth that indicate compromised bones in the rest of the body.

The following dental and periodontal factors may indicate the presence of osteoporosis:

  • DetachedGumCAP
  • Ill-fitting dentures
  • Jaw bone recession and erosion
  • Difficulty with basic mouth function such as eating or speaking

Women over 50 with a family history have the greatest risk of developing the bone condition, but it is not unheard of in men.

Dr. Mejia can establish the presence of jawbone deterioration with x-rays and other diagnostic tools. If we suspect the possibility of osteoporosis, we can refer you to a local medical professional.

Dr. Mejia is trained in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the oral health problems connected to osteoporosis. Schedule a consultation by calling 469-998-0235.


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3115 W Parker Rd Ste C538
Plano, Texas


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