How Are Dental Implants Priced?

Fort Worth tooth implants cost

Looking into how much dental implants cost and getting a straightforward answer can be frustrating. But there is a reason for that, which The Plano Dentist will explain in this blog post.

It can be confusing to research the cost of getting a dental implant and finding nothing solid on the web. But there’s a reason why most dental sites don’t publish the cost of implants.

1. The Math Might Come Out Higher Than it Should
The number of teeth being replaced may be more than the number of implants needed to cover that section of the mouth. Implant dentists want to offer accurate pricing rather than scare you away with higher estimates. It takes a straightforward consultation to review dental history, analyze needs and construct a treatment plan. This could mean a more efficient surgery with fewer implants.

2. There Might Be Something Better For Your Mouth
While dental implants really are the state of the art in tooth replacement, much better than a bridge or denture, sometimes the technique won’t be what you thought it was going to be, or maybe you aren’t a good candidate for the process.

3. Supply Costs and Lab Costs Change

A ballpark number might be possible to post, but the changing cost of supplies and lab fees make it impossible to guarantee a specific price. Dentists who offer implants can precisely calculate dental implant surgery expenses based on current prices when you come in for a consultation.

At The Plano Dentist, we offer dental implants as an ideal replacement for one or more missing teeth. We also offer a full range of general dentistry services. Schedule your next cleaning and checkup with us today!

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3115 W Parker Rd Ste C538
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