Gum Disease And Tooth Loss

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Do you know that the most prevalent cause of tooth loss among adults is gum disease? The good news is that The Plano Dentist treats gum disease, and it is reversible if detected in the early stages.

Regular check-ups are critical, but there are warning signs for gum disease that everyone should be looking for.

1. Gums that bleed often

2. Gums that are tender, swollen, or very red, or gums that have visible pus in between them when they are pushed

3. A bite that changes suddenly so that your teeth don’t seem to fit together correctly

4. Detached gums

5. A bad taste in the mouth or chronic bad breath

6. Loose or separating teeth

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to us right away. Since plaque causes gum disease, removing plaque through regular brushing and flossing is the key to healthy gums.

The Plano Dentist serves the Dallas area. We treat gum disease, and take pride in caring for our patients and we want them to have healthy, beautiful smiles that they can be proud of. Our practice specializes in general and cosmetic dentistry.

Contact The Plano Dentist:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

3115 W Parker Rd Ste C538
Plano, Texas


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