Discover how your high school or college student can qualify to receive a FREE scholarship presented by The Plano Dentist to attend one of the premier youth leadership and career development experiences in the country.
The LEAP Program is a week-long success skills program for motivated high school and college students who want to get ahead in school and in life. Taught by a faculty of highly successful professionals, entrepreneurs, and business people, young people have the opportunity to meet and learn from the experience of those who have “done it.”
To learn more about the program, head to the LEAP Foundation website . Download and complete the “Merit based Scholarship Application” and return it to The Plano Dentist on before May 30. The scholarship winner will be announced on Monday, June 13, 2011.
We look forward to receiving an application from a deserving young person in your life.
Dr. Potter and the team at The Plano Dentist