Overlapping Teeth Can Be Corrected for a Beautiful Smile

how to fix overlapping teeth Plano

At The Plano Dentist, we provide advanced cosmetic dentistry. That means we correct all types of smile imperfections. Overlapping teeth are fairly common. And while many individuals don’t mind a slight overlap, others feel self-conscious and would like it corrected. What causes teeth to overlap? Genetics or thumbsucking as a toddler can result in overlapping…

Beware Of Hidden Sugar

preventative dentistry in Plano

We counsel our dental patients at The Plano Dentist to watch their sugar intake to prohibit cavities and other health issues. If you are trying to de-sugar your diet, you are probably skipping the usual suspects: candy, soda, and baked treats. But not all sugar is as recognizable as the frosting on a piece of…

How Do You Measure Dental Success?

Plano affordable family dentist

How do you measure “dental success?” A check-up with no cavities? A perfect smile? A crown that looks as natural as the surrounding teeth? It could mean all those things and many more. For a child, dental success could be defined as a childhood free of cavities, learning daily dental hygiene practices, and gaining an…

Looking For A Red Carpet-Caliber Smile?

porcelain veneers price Dallas

When you see pics of your favorite stars, do you ever wonder how these men and women can project such perfection? Can ordinary Dallas folks ever achieve anything approaching celebrity-caliber attractiveness? When it comes to dazzling smiles, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” There many effective cosmetic dentistry procedures available that can produce significant results.…