Unexplained Headaches Or Jaw Pain?

unexplained jaw pain

Malocclusion is the dental term for a problem in the way your top and bottom teeth come together. The ideal bite is when the upper teeth are slightly forward of the lower teeth. You have probably heard of “overbites” and “underbites” but the two arches can be misaligned in many other ways as well. Crowded…

Your Smile Says Keep Trying!

gentle dentist Plano

This message from The Plano Dentist is for anyone who is frustrated because they haven’t been able to make lifestyle changes to benefit their dental health. We urge you to keep trying, and assure you that we’re eager to help! Keep Trying To Floss Many people are really good about brushing their teeth, but usually…

Raise Your Dental IQ

Raise Your Dental IQ

Want to raise your Dental IQ and improve your oral health? One simple lesson from The Plano Dentist involves bacteria, and everyone’s mouth has a lot of it. But don’t worry, bacteria per se isn’t the problem. It’s the balance of bacteria that’s important. This is where brushing and flossing come into play. Brush and…

Plano Mouths And Stomatitis

Dallas Mouths And Stomatitis

Ouch! The mouth is a bad place for injuries, sores, or inflammation. Even the smallest irritation in the mouth can cause serious discomfort. At The Plano Dentist, we can help. These non-specific irritations in the mouth have a name. They are called stomatitis. A good general definition for stomatitis is the inflammation of the membranes…