What are Implant-Stabilized Dentures?

Plano dentures secured with implants

What are dentures secured by implants? Dentures secured by implants are permanent dentures held in place with permanent metal screws or posts. The metal posts are also called tooth implants or dental implants. Tooth implants can be used in many different ways. In this article, we describe one application for tooth implants; the sturdy base…

Treat Your Smile To A Healthy Diet

experienced family dentist Plano

Proper nutrition can benefit you in a number of ways; increased energy, improved immunity, glowing skin, mental clarity, and a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. How often, however, do you think about how your diet influences your oral health? Your diet can influence your risk of cavities, enamel health, and gum condition. Healthy…

Avoid These 5 Smile Wreckers

oral health hazards Plano

We hope today’s post will alert blog visitors to some harmful oral health risks. At The Plano Dentist, too often, we treat tooth decay and damage caused by the following: 1. Sports Injuries Many parents send their children out on the playing field with a mouthguard but fail to protect themselves when they participate in…